Saturday 20 August 2016

Full House!

Despite the rain I had a good vibe about today. On my way through the city centre to see Jonny Gillam and Daniel Offen footfall was high even if the rain was torrential. 

After an hour in their truly bunker-like room I headed back over to The Southsider and flyered for about an hour, the venue had been restocked with Wee Blue Books so I took a good pile out with me. They were all gone by the time I'd finished. Another sign something might go right today.

Excuse the clumsy metaphor but by the time Andy Onions and I had set up the room the volume of people waiting for the show was so great they literally flooded in when we pulled back the curtain. The pub was loud but we were louder. Partially due to the PA, partially due to Onions' incredibly booming voice. By the time it was my turn to come up they were warm and open to whatever ridiculousness greeted them. I was happy to oblige.

After shouting, clapping and some spontaneous dancing in the aisles it was all over and we took our best bucket of the fringe so far. My favourite quote was from one man who, having avoided joining in most of the interactions in my set, came up and said, "I really don't know what to make of your act but it's seriously original". Something I'm more than happy to take - even if what I'm doing is essentially a school music assembly with adult themes.

Post-show I headed further from town to the outpost that is Crag's Bar and saw Sam Mitchell and Cressida Whetton perform to a nice bunch of people in a lovely little room. The location is an absolute ball-ache geographically and makes The Southsider practically central in comparison so perhaps I should be grateful for small mercies.

There's still a few shows to see tonight but I'll sign off early for a change.

Shows Performed: 1 (37)
Bums on seats at Mirthquake: 40 (278)
Money in the Mirthquake bucket: £66.80 (£371)
Steps walked according to my pedometer: 11,011 (283,023) 
CDs Remaining: 71

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