Monday, 9 October 2017

Bear Jokes and Cambridge Stupidfest

Last week was a bit of a milestone for all things Bear Jokes and First World Problems with both featuring in part of the same review by comedy bible Chortle. Editor Steve Bennett is known as a man not easily impressed so it was all the more satisfying to see him say positive things about both.

With such a good line-up last Thursday it would be hard not to receive some praise though. I could spend a few paragraphs writing in depth about what made each set so special but Chortle's already done it so feel free to follow the link above. Anna and I opened the first half with Tales of the Unexpected and closed it with Airport. My initial concerns about the jihad line have been laid to rest. Musically it's a strong track and I think the lyrics pretty much nail pre-flight tension so it's onwards to the next one. "Meal Deal" is set to debut at fellow Mirthquaker James Harris' wedding party this Saturday coming.

This Saturday just gone I found myself on a train heading to Cambridge for Stupidfest and a revival of the Edinburgh First World Problems fifty minute set. To keep things fresh I swapped in and out a few tracks, including Airport, but otherwise ran it as had been done throughout August. The turnout was in the single figures, which was a shame, but everyone there enjoyed it and yet another person said I should enter the Musical Comedy Awards this year (the last one being the guy who runs it). We're back at Clash of the Tight Tens for the first time in forever this coming Friday so we'll be recording our entry there. Thanks to Paul "man with a box" Richards for the Cambridge show - always nice to get out of London.

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