Monday, 20 November 2017

Bear Jokes at The Leyton Star

Last week Bear Jokes was back in action in Leyton with a line-up of familiar faces and an audience consisting of the acts themselves, three local housemates and a quietly mysterious man at the back. Given the broom cupboard proportions of the room this still felt quite busy so it was on with show and Anna and I opening with Meal Deal. 

It's been commented before that this track is pretty minimal compared to earlier offerings but ,in comedy terms at least, less-is-more seems to be particularly appropriate. Much as I enjoy covering my tracks in thumping basslines and retro synths it's clear that once in a while the audience like it stripped back with the focus fully on the lyrics. Tonight was no exception and we were all chanting within two refrains of the chorus hook.

Following us Ian Miller ran through his tried and tested best, Alice Frick returned from a three year hiatus since performing at one of my nights and Gatis Kandis cross examined the audience in the way only he can. We closed the first half with a stomping rendition of Airport - some danced, others just look completely overwhelmed by the rave vibes colliding with Scooter's back catalogue.

In the second half Sadia Azmat and Jonny Gillam both did well and Yuriko Kotani rounded things off with some brand spanking new material. Thumbs up all round.

In other news, I'm pleased to announce that 2018's First World Problems show is now confirmed for Brighton Fringe for four Saturdays over May and June at The Temple bar at 2.30pm. We're currently working on it being a full-on hip hop show parody so bring your bizzle to the izzle and we'll see' shizzle....

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