For the uninitiated, News Jack is a current affairs comedy show on BBC Radio 4 Extra which broadcasts one liners and sketches emailed in by its listeners. It's a good show and one I'd been meaning to start contributing to last season before I realised it had already ended its run before I got a single joke in.
This time around I'm more on it. But still unpublished. Except here.
So here's the three from last week the BBC didn't want:
Breaking News:
Gatwick Airport has confirmed it is installing user- operated facial recognition cameras for ID checks before passengers board planes. Similar devices used when disembarking will be called Selfie-Service Checkouts.
Attacks from unmanned aircraft and missiles in Saudi Arabia have been traced to Iran. Meanwhile, in the UK, Boris Johnson has continued to defend his own drone strike. Or, as it’s more widely known, the proroguing of parliament.
Greta Thunberg has told US politicians they are not working hard enough to tackle climate change. Republican representatives misunderstood her speech though, thinking she’d graded their efforts “C+” when she highlighted their, "rising sea levels."
In other news, I brought 'I Will Eat' and 'My Ex' to Giggle Gang Comedy last night in Manchester. A solidly brilliant lineup and a good time had by all. The latest parody is sitting on twenty-something views here.
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