Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Edinburgh: Day 18/19


It started slowly with the smallest of small audiences at Tight Tens. The crowd were nice though and the acts got conversational and occasionally meta. The microphone broke down midway through which seemed kind of fitting so it was acoustic from there on in. A weird one but not a bad one.

First World Problems, on the other hand, came through all guns blazing with a decent crowd who were thoroughly up for everything. We clapped, cheered, stomped and shouted through every song and I made a comment about Deliveroo being the only future career option for a thirteen year old in the front row. The bucket wasn't exactly heaving but the vibes were great - and John Fleming dropped by to see exactly what he'd booked for the Malcolm Hardy Awards Show on Friday.

Clash of the Tight Tens: Citizens / Donations: 7 / £10.60
Andy Quirk's Got First World Problems: Crew Members / Donations: 17 / £22


Today I took the day off and walked up hills and stood by a loch with Anna. I recommend escaping Edinburgh at least once in the run.

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