Monday, 28 August 2017

Edinburgh: Final Days

Friday's shows were both pretty great today. What the crew lacked in numbers they more than made up for in energy. Our performance at The Malcolm Hardy Awards went down well, though we were then followed by an act that consisted of a man waving whilst a woman continuously hit a man in the face with a mop whilst he shouted "no" over and over again - which seemed to be more their style.

Clash of the Tight Tens: Citizens / Donations: 21 / £51.60
Andy Quirk's Got First World Problems: Crew Members / Donations: 10 / £19.55

Saturday was the final day of the Free Fringe and we decided to really go for one last push - even if this was off the back of a very late night out in Espionage following the awards show. Clash of the Tight Tens was comfortably busy and all the acts did well. I topped things off with a rendition of Clicking Like which blew any remaining morning cobwebs away.

First World Problems also had a good showing, including a return trip from our highly enthusiastic wheelchair user from the previous week, an old uni friend and a couple who'd seen Mirthquake last year and had kept in touch with me ever since to follow my preparations for this show. The energy was great and it was a good one to end the run with. 

Clash of the Tight Tens: Citizens / Donations: 22 / £45
Andy Quirk's Got First World Problems: Crew Members / Donations: 20 / £32

Final breakdown and analysis to come...

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