The new show can be found here and is, in my opinion, well worth a watch. From the bedroom boogies of Ashley Frieze and Friz Frizzle to risking life and limb with Tom Short and a garden-based big cat plus Marty Gleeson's shortform sitcom with a cast of 1 and potential for a BBC3 series AND MORE! There really is something for everyone. I even employ the world's simplest drum machine to give my Smiths parody a bit of bop-ability.
As you watch it remember to give the clips their own thumbs up and share with whoever you think will be tickled. The link to the playlist resembles an automatically generated password, such is it's complexity, but who needs a catchy .co.uk when you've got the power of 'copy' and 'paste' at your fingertips.
You can also click it or the picture if that's easier.
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